Call it “the other amenity.”
Next to no-hassle commutes and assorted lunch spots, having your pick of nearby fitness studios and gyms ranks high on the list of conveniences businesses consider when searching for office space. Other than a cup of coffee, the gym is one of few routine destinations people decamp to during the workday. For some employees, their happiness and performance correlates pretty strongly to how they’re feeling physically. In addition to providing access to their pick of studios, offering discounts to a few gyms in the area is par for the course when it comes to employer benefits. If you find space in Flatiron, there’s a good a chance employees can get a good rate at a gym or studio they actually like.
And if you work in Flatiron, you’re doubly lucky. The Flatiron District, nestled between 14th and 23rd street along Manhattan’s central corridors of Broadways and 5th Avenue, has over 50 gyms. Big chains and boutiques alike. Hence the nickname “Fitiron.”
It wasn’t always this way. Before the real estate boom of the 80s, this stretch of Manhattan was known as the Toy District.
Now it’s a playground of a different sort. From SoulCycle to Sweaty Beaty, Flatiron is a fitness brand mall for thousands of working professionals.
A Map of Flatiron Gyms & Studios
The Ringside Cafe located in Shadowbox’s Flatiron locale.
Uplift Fitness Studio and self-described “Female Society” on W 23rd St
Flywheel’s W 21st St location.