Bryant Park, New York Commercial Buildings For Rent
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Bryant Park
1021-1039 Avenue of the Americas
- 406 - 480 sqft
- $2,537 - $3,000 est.
Bryant Park
1026 6th Avenue
Bryant Park
1030 Avenue of the Americas
Bryant Park
1032 Avenue of the Americas
- 1,125 - 1,250 sqft
- $4,125 - $5,027 est.
Bryant Park
1040 Avenue of the Americas
- 150 - 12,015 sqft
- $937 - $75,093 est.
Bryant Park
1045 6th Avenue
- 13,548 - 14,535 sqft
- $84,675 - $90,843 est.
Bryant Park
104 West 40th Street
- $500 - $56,201 est.
Bryant Park
1050 Avenue of the Americas Avenue
Bryant Park
1060 Avenue of the Americas
Bryant Park
108 West 39th Street
- 430 - 8,234 sqft
- $1,756 - $51,462 est.
Bryant Park
109 West 38th Street
- 525 - 3,344 sqft
- $2,494 - $20,900 est.
Bryant Park
10 East 39th Street
- 100 - 7,947 sqft
- $625 - $49,668 est.
Bryant Park
10 East 40th Street
- 1,327 - 16,683 sqft
- $6,375 - $104,268 est.
Bryant Park
1100 Avenue of the Americas
Bryant Park
110 West 40th Street
- 500 - 4,620 sqft
- $2,500 - $28,875 est.
Bryant Park
1114 6th Avenue
- 4,826 - 37,972 sqft
- $30,162 - $255,277 est.
Bryant Park
1118 Avenue of the Americas
Bryant Park
1122 Avenue of the Americas
- 1 - 415,000 sqft
- $6 - $2,593,750 est.
Bryant Park
1133 Avenue of the Americas
- 1,533 - 22,950 sqft
- $9,581 - $143,437 est.
Bryant Park
1140 Avenue of the Americas
- 145 - 12,750 sqft
- $906 - $83,938 est.
Bryant Park
114 West 41st Street
- 7,356 - 32,000 sqft
- $44,749 - $200,000 est.
Bryant Park
1150 Avenue of the Americas
Bryant Park
1155 Avenue of the Americas
Bryant Park
1156 Avenue of the Americas
- 1,630 - 9,627 sqft
- $7,878 - $87,963 est.
Bryant Park
11 West 40th Street
Bryant Park
11 West 42nd Street
- $500 - $296,228 est.
Bryant Park
120 West 45th Street
- 2,116 - 12,919 sqft
- $13,578 - $80,743 est.
Bryant Park
12 East 41st Street
Bryant Park
12 West 44th Street
Bryant Park
130 West 42nd Street
- $31 - $67,246 est.
Bryant Park
136 West 42nd Street
Bryant Park
136 West 44th Street
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