Midtown, New York Commercial Buildings For Rent
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Penn Station
1000 Avenue of the Americas
Penn Station
1001 Avenue of the Americas
- 150 - 12,200 sqft
- $750 - $60,100 est.
East Side
1005 2nd Avenue
- 1,500 - 1,500 sqft
- $8,125 - $8,125 est.
Plaza District
100 Central Park South
Grand Central Station
100 Park Avenue
- $433 - $245,077 est.
Penn Station
1010 Avenue of the Americas
Penn Station
101-135 West 32nd Street
- 1,274 - 25,100 sqft
- $6,370 - $102,492 est.
Penn Station
1011 Avenue of the Americas
- 1,000 - 1,250 sqft
- $2,563 - $5,125 est.
East Side
1012-1014 2nd Avenue
Grand Central Station
101 Park Avenue
- $4,875 - $165,000 est.
Bryant Park
1021-1039 Avenue of the Americas
- 406 - 480 sqft
- $2,537 - $3,000 est.
Bryant Park
1026 6th Avenue
Penn Station
102 West 38th Street
- 4,800 - 4,800 sqft
- $13,200 - $14,000 est.
Bryant Park
1030 Avenue of the Americas
Bryant Park
1032 Avenue of the Americas
- 1,125 - 1,250 sqft
- $4,125 - $5,027 est.
East Side
1036 1st Avenue
- 400 - 850 sqft
- $2,166 - $4,604 est.
Bryant Park
1040 Avenue of the Americas
- 150 - 12,015 sqft
- $937 - $75,093 est.
Grand Central Station
104-110 East 40th Street
- 2,863 - 6,700 sqft
- $15,507 - $36,291 est.
East Side
1042 2nd Avenue
Bryant Park
1045 6th Avenue
- 13,548 - 14,535 sqft
- $84,675 - $90,843 est.
Grand Central Station
104 East 40th Street
Bryant Park
104 West 40th Street
- $500 - $56,201 est.
Bryant Park
1050 Avenue of the Americas Avenue
East Side
1053 2nd Avenue
East Side
1055 1st Avenue
Bryant Park
1060 Avenue of the Americas
Grand Central Station
106 East 38th Street
Park Avenue
106 East 60th Street
Sixth Avenue
106 West 56th Street
- 2,473 - 4,525 sqft
- $16,486 - $41,479 est.
Park Avenue
108 East 60th Street
- 1,438 - 1,438 sqft
- $9,946 - $9,946 est.
Bryant Park
108 West 39th Street
- 430 - 8,234 sqft
- $1,756 - $51,462 est.
Plaza District
108 West 59th Street
- 5,305 - 5,305 sqft
- $34,483 - $34,483 est.
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