Sixth Avenue, New York Commercial Buildings For Rent
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Sixth Avenue
106 West 56th Street
- 2,473 - 4,525 sqft
- $16,486 - $41,479 est.
Sixth Avenue
10 West 46th Street
- 4,658 - 4,658 sqft
- $31,053 - $31,053 est.
Sixth Avenue
114 West 47th Street
- $32,692 - $410,000 est.
Sixth Avenue
115 West 45th Street
- 606 - 4,500 sqft
- $2,222 - $22,333 est.
Sixth Avenue
1166 Avenue of the Americas
- 900 - 40,240 sqft
- $6,000 - $276,781 est.
Sixth Avenue
1177 Avenue of the Americas
- $533 - $174,413 est.
Sixth Avenue
1180-1198 6th Avenue
- 1 - 24,023 sqft
- $6 - $160,153 est.
Sixth Avenue
1185 Avenue of the Americas
- $2,266 - $967,673 est.
Sixth Avenue
1190 6th Avenue
- 800 - 800 sqft
- $5,333 - $5,333 est.
Sixth Avenue
1200 Avenue of the Americas
- 955 - 7,539 sqft
- $6,367 - $50,260 est.
Sixth Avenue
1211 6th Avenue
- 6,914 - 41,385 sqft
- $46,093 - $275,900 est.
Sixth Avenue
1212 Avenue of the Ameicas
- 14,206 - 14,218 sqft
- $94,706 - $94,786 est.
Sixth Avenue
1212 Avenue of the Americas
- 2,000 - 39,877 sqft
- $13,333 - $265,846 est.
Sixth Avenue
1221 Avenue of the Americas
- 2,437 - 39,980 sqft
- $13,810 - $266,533 est.
Sixth Avenue
1251 Avenue of the Americas
- 3,284 - 44,100 sqft
- $25,177 - $294,000 est.
Sixth Avenue
1271 Avenue of the Americas
Sixth Avenue
127 West 55th Street
- 1,408 - 25,000 sqft
- $7,157 - $166,666 est.
Sixth Avenue
1285 Avenue of the Americas
Sixth Avenue
1290 6th Avenue
- 5,752 - 86,923 sqft
- $38,346 - $579,486 est.
Sixth Avenue
12 West 48th Street
- 5,126 - 7,000 sqft
- $34,173 - $46,666 est.
Sixth Avenue
1301-1315 Avenue of the Americas
- 4,315 - 68,303 sqft
- $28,766 - $455,353 est.
Sixth Avenue
1325 Avenue of the Americas
- $533 - $163,006 est.
Sixth Avenue
1330 Avenue of the Americas
- 100 - 16,550 sqft
- $150 - $128,263 est.
Sixth Avenue
1335 Avenue of the Americas
Sixth Avenue
1340 Avenue of the Americas
Sixth Avenue
1345 Avenue of the Americas
Sixth Avenue
1350 6th Avenue
Sixth Avenue
135 West 45th Street
Sixth Avenue
135 West 50th Street
Sixth Avenue
135 West 52nd Street
- 1,988 - 12,856 sqft
- $13,253 - $101,777 est.
Sixth Avenue
140 West 46th Street
Sixth Avenue
145 West 45th Street
- 4,094 - 6,000 sqft
- $27,293 - $40,000 est.
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